Our Services
Engagement is a continual and evolving process
Engagement should happen throughout the life of a project.
Each time we start a new project, we can tap into the wealth of lessons we’ve learned during prior Engagement processes and from Post-occupancy Evaluations (POEs) on existing buildings with related programming. We can pair that with a new engagement process for even more informed, holistic designs to come.

Because projects are about more than just the resulting building.
Our genuine concern for resident and neighbor well-being extends from early design through a projects lifetime.
ENGAGE / Before
From new construction to redevelopment projects, we make meaningful activities to gather all the best insights from neighbors and the target population, and make sure that no matter the source, the best ideas are heard and implemented.
ENGAGE // During
From keeping neighbors and other affected stakeholders in the loop on construction timelines and events, to building excitement among future building residents by providing them with renderings and floor plans, we’ve got you covered.
Stakeholder follow up
Website management
Process summary share-outs to AHJs (authorities having jurisdiction)
Project advocate recruitment
Construction logistics meet & greets
ENGAGE /// After
Our design process doesn’t end once a project is constructed, there is so much learn to learn once people settle in and are using the building. We engage after occupancy to learn what’s working and what isn’t, and continuously improve designs.
Post-occupancy evaluations
Property management and resident services interviews
Resident move-in support (info packets)
Resident engagement events
For more information on Engage FORA’s services throughout each phase of the above phases, you can download a full list of our service offerings here.
Every engagement is unique, so each of our engagement plans are tailored to meet the goals of the specific project we’re hired for. Contact us now if you’d like us to craft a thoughtful community engagement plan for your next housing development!
Property Tours
Pop-up events
Open Houses
Website Creation
Existing Resident Engagement
Stakeholder Interviews
Graphics Development