Our Values
Striving to co-create buildings that celebrate and serve PEOPLE and PLACE
/ To amplify diverse voices & celebrate hyperlocal knowledge
Each community that we build in has their own histories, cultures, values, goals, strengths and challenges. By listening to diverse voices, designs can better serve their communities and celebrate place.
// To promote equity & justice through meaningful, inclusive processes
HIstorically, equity and justice have not driven design decision-making. We strive to do right by our communities through meaningful, inclusive engagement processes, rejecting anything insincere or tokenistic.
/// To encourage empathy-building
Empathy is like a glue that binds together a community. When community engagement celebrates diversity, positive things such as enhanced problem solving, trust building, and easier conflict resolution happen.
//// To resist the commodification of housing
Housing, an essential need, is all too often commodified with the value being placed on monetary gain rather than creating valuable communities. At Engage FORA, we believe homes should be purpose-built.
///// To promote ownership over the built environment - because designs that are loved, last.
We give communities a true sense of ownership in building designs, because when they are proud of what has been achieved, when projects serve their actual needs, they are more likely to fight to preserve it.
////// To get quality housing built, faster
Community engagement can increased project support and planning departments tend to be more supportive of projects that demonstrate genuine engagement processes. These benefits to timeline and success can help housing be built faster.
…because buildings are more than just objects
Most of us spend 90% of our time inside. The design of buildings should center the human experience, prioritizing those who will live in and near the building, now and in the future.