Our Story


Pushing the boundaries of conventional architectural practice, because good design should reflect the values and culture of its community.

As architects first (you might know us as Architects FORA), we are invested not in just shaping buildings, but how the buildings we create shape the lives of those who live in them.

As a woman-led firm, we wanted to embrace our uniquely feminine practice and strive to foster inclusive, meaningful, and genuine processes.

Every architectural project exists within an already-existing community - a community with its own dynamics, diversities, and dreams. All too-often, community voices are left out of the design process. But at Engage FORA, we know communities should have space to tell their stories and have a seat at the design table, for every project.

The more we learn about each unique community we’re striving to serve, the more evident has became that we cannot design for people we do not know.

Fostering spaces to hear the values and interests held by each community has helped us to co-create inclusive buildings that are more restorative and representative - buildings that are a celebration of people and place.

Engage FORA was born from these insights, and inspired by the many community members who have provided their stories and local expertise.

We’ve carried these lessons into engagement during the design process, through construction, and beyond as residents move in and build their own community.

We wholeheartedly believe in community engagement’s power to foster collaboration, connection, and belonging. When we envision the future, we see community engagement as an integral part of every design process. e envision the future, we see community engagement happening on every project.